Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunland-Tujunga Liars are at it again

by David DeMulle

As the S-T Neighborhood election comes closer, the local political
degenerates have started a new campaign of lies. So let's start
examining them one by one.

1. It is true that Mark Seigel is a thief working under orders of  Cindy Cleghorn. He stole the Best of S-T ballots and gave them to Cindy Cleghorn and Tomi-Lyn Bowling to dispose of.

2. Cindy supporter Joe Barrett did not start the No To Home Depot (N2HD) grass roots program. Nina Royal, a TFP staff member, started  it on Feb. 5th 2005 and made the first formal demand to Wend Greuel at the Glendale Bakery on Feb. 19, 2005.

3. Cindy Cleghorn has gotten rid of every opposition voice in the
STNC, refused to pay STNC bills and uses Joe Barret as her
personal hit man to attack community activists. When she
"Inadvertantly, Misplaced, some of the ballots", we knew that
the community was in trouble. But when she stated that the
ballot could not be shown to anyone because it would violate the
Health Insurance Portability Act (HIPA), we knew that she was
just building bigger and better lies.

4. And the story that I called the Post 377 Legionnaires a bunch
of drunks, you just have got to stop and think about where you
 are hearing this from. I am a Legionnaire myself. Have you ever
seen me drunk?

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